torstai 16. helmikuuta 2017

The Southern Tour

Viime viikonloppuna teimme reissun Islannin eteläosiin. Tiestö matkan varrella oli äärimmäisen hyvässä kunnossa verrattuna viimeisimpään matkaan Golden Circlelle. Paluumatkalla rupesin kaipaamaan Suomen katuvaloja. Tämän hetkisen kokemukseni pohjalta voin todeta, että täällä harrastetaan jonkinasteista valaistusta ainoastaan taajama-alueilla. Toisinaan näkyvyys ajaessa tippui alle kymmenen metrin, ja oli todella rentouttavaa ajaa samanaikaisesti tiedostaessaan viereisen jyrkän pudotuksen. Tästä huolimatta nautin ajokokemuksesta jälleen kerran suunnattomasti. Tällä kertaa kirjoittelin matkakuulumiset englantipainotteisesti.

Tällä viikolla saimme tietää ensimmäisen arvosanan viikko sitten päättyneestä kurssista. Lisää tästä HRM -kurssista myöhemmin muun kurssikatsauksen yhteydessä. Myös Suomeen HY:lle suorittamani osuuskuntakurssi päättyy piakkoin, jolloin vapaa-aikaa jää suunnattomasti. Tämä on oikein mainio käänne kelien muuttuessa koko ajan parempaan suuntaan. Tuntuu siltä kuin aika täällä kuluisi älyttömän nopeasti ja alkuviikkojen tapahtumista olisi iäisyys.

Last weekend we did a road trip across the south coast of the country. Roads in the south were superior compared to the ones on Golden Circle. On our way back I started missing the proper lighting in the roads that we have back home in Finland. The other thing I long for is roads without tourists stopping unexpectedly to take pics. When the night came together with darkness and thick fog it was from time to time almost impossible to see more than ten meters ahead.

On our first day, we travelled 240 kilometers and on the second a bit over 600. So, all in all a lot of driving. This time you could really spot the difference compared to the last trip. There wasn’t any snow ( the glaciers) and the roads weren’t icy at all. It really feels like the spring is just around the corner. The temperature is enough to wear ballerinas and I’ve already started to miss my trench coat while sweating with my woolen coat. Although the nights are still quite chilly and the wind can occasionally be freezing.

First day had an emphasis on waterfalls. We visited both Seljalandsfoss and Skógarfoss. Those were great but I don’t see the point in writing about them. After a while you get used to these and they all in some way are very much alike. As a tip, I can recommend waterproof clothing when visiting anything outdoorsy attraction. My favorite stop on this journey was definitely at the Sólheimajökull. We arrived there so late that there was no one there. You could fully enjoy the silence standing next to the magnificent glacier. My friend and I could have stayed there wondering for ages but sadly the darkness came and others wanted to go onwards.

Caused by our little unfortunate misfortune we had not time to visit Vík or the famous Black Sand Beach. Our car abandoned us cause of reasons in the middle of nowhere, about 30 kilometers east from Vík to be exact. So, after the call to the rental company we spend over four hours there. But then after a while the pick-up truck came with a new car for us and we’re finally allowed to continue forwards to the biggest glacier of Iceland, Vatnajökull.

Before seeing the Jökulsárlón the ‘glacier lake’ with pieces of ice floating there, we headed off to the nearby Diamond Beach. For me these sights were bit too touristy. The places were beautiful but full of tourist. Also, you couldn’t grasp the whole entity of this glacier just by standing close to it. Still, I possibly can’t deny the beauty of this lake by sunset.

The scenery there on our route was something that I’ve never seen before. It kind of reminded me about the views in old western movies. There was only a straight black road continuing to the horizon and next to it dead yellowish soil. Further away you could spot the majestic snow-topped mountains. During our long drive the landscape varied. At one point, it was green and hilly. As an opposite to this, some parts were totally lifeless and black, like something that I could picture in some planet in a distant galaxy. After this I only yearn for more of these unique, unforgettable experiences…